Yesterday, I posted two chapters from the earliest writing I did on Age of Mystics. Eventually, these chapters did not make it into the book. So, one might ask, Why is that important? What do those chapters matter, they have very little to do with the story and do not illuminate the Event in any way. If you asked that, you understand why I removed them. I thought it was interesting background, but were not really a part of this story.
So, why post them now? While they aren't necessary to the story of Age of Mystics, or any other part of the saga, they were important to me. The scenes played out in these two chapters defined most of the characters for me as I wrote. Eric Fine was an overbearing leader with little concern for the lives of those under his command. Cal Ward would do anything to save his friend and family, and he was an inclusive leader who people liked to follow. Jordan Kane was inquisitive, young, and in awe of Cal. Anthony Johnson and Miles Damiano were two sides of the same coin, but when the Event happens, they go in opposite directions ethically. These were the characters who would play out their experiences in Age of Mystics and beyond. The story is important because it helps me know who they are. So, while it may just be interesting from a reader's point of view, it was imperative from an author's point of view to write this out and to keep it.
As for the timing? I just thought you might like reading it! I hope you did. Cheers!
Chris Walters is the Author of the Saga of Mystics, the contemporary fantasy series.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Friday, July 15, 2016
The Cal and Eric backstory...
are soldiers, and we live to pay the price only we can pay…”
from Military fight song
Heat shimmer rises off of everything in the
Middle-Eastern desert. The air here was so hot, it made every soldier feel like
a potato mid bake. This was not the kind of hot a man from Arkansas was used
to, also a heat that seeped into pores and drenched you in sweat, but rather
the hot that made you feel like you were inside a volcano. People back home
never believed the stories about the heat, but Private Jordan Kane now knew
differently. He had been “in country” for only about a week and had only
graduated Advanced Individual Training two weeks before that. Hell, a couple of months ago, he had been in
High School. But now, he was in the
sand, as the soldiers called it. He had
been deployed right out of training, which was fine with Kane. He had joined the U.S. Army to fight for his
country. But since he had been here, he had seen tire rubber melt in the heat,
it was crazy. Kane already hated the
sand. He was growing accustomed to the daily patrols, and even felt somewhat
safe being with his squad, but this heat was just unbearable. It was ten in the morning and already one
hundred and nineteen degrees.
Kane wasn’t even sure what they were doing here. They were in a building that the battalion
picked this morning as a mobile Headquarters. Due to the presence of
insurgents, and the prevalence of suicide attacks, the unit had to change its
home position regularly. First squad had
been called back from patrol after their squad leader, Sergeant First Class
Calvin Ward, had received a coded message over the radio. No one heard the message but Ward, but the
squad had moved out with haste. Arriving at the building, Ward had told them
all to wait, and stormed into the command center set up in the next room. The
squad lounged around the headquarters, grateful to be out of the heat for even
a few moments. Flashes of angry conversation, even yelling, were bleeding
through the walls and getting loud, but he couldn’t make out what was being
Suddenly, the door to the hallway flew open and Ward
stomped out. Dripping with sweat, and an
obvious anger welling up in his chest, he paused, looking around at his men.
All of them (Kane included), began gathering their things. They knew the
routine, Ward came out and they all double-timed it to wherever Sergeant Ward
said to go. This was a pretty standard
situation, but something seemed different this time.
“I only need a couple of you, everyone else at ease,” the
squad leader began, “Johnson, grab the saw. Doc, full gear. Rodriguez and Kane, light gear.” Kane grabbed
only necessary gear to head out, pleased that he would be considered valuable
enough to be chosen.
The leader of Third Squad, Staff Sergeant Meyer, a man so
inept at his job that he was an open joke in Jordan’s squad, stood in Ward’s
way. With the rest of his team, Jordan turned to watch. Ward was a good leader
and did not put up with the derision of a fellow NCO, so this was going to be
“You heard the Major, Cal” the pudgy NCO asserted. Kane never understood how a man kept
overweight in the army, much less in this kind of heat, but Meyer managed it.
He shoved his fat ass between Ward and the doorway, glowering at the better
leader. “You aren’t going anywhere.”
With a calm that belied his seeming urgency and anger,
Calvin Ward stepped in.“Zane,” Kane’s squad leader replied, “I am only going to
say this once. I outrank you, but more importantly, if you don’t get out of my
way I will beat your ass.” There was a silence that followed the statement, an
uncomfortable and still moment.
Meyer blushed red, embarrassed by the watching eyes of
lower rank. For just a moment, he stood his ground. SFC Ward got right up in his face, standing
toe-to-toe with the doughy bastard. Kane
contemplated the two men; they could not have been more different. Ward was
three or four inches taller than Meyer and kept a meticulous military
appearance. He was known to shave twice
a day and sheared his head nearly bald at least once a week. He normally had a kindness and calm about
him, sort of a trademark for SFC Ward. This was the first time Kane had ever
seen him angry, and it was frightening.
Ward’s neck was a color that Kane thought could only be achieved in the
bright sun. His breathing was heavy, not
from exertion, but from emotion. Meyer was disheveled; he had the growth on his
face that they were allowed in the sand.
His sweat pooled in every crevasse of his uniform, which fit him as
poorly as a hand-me-down suit from a big brother. After a short pause, he
wilted under the taller man’s gaze and stepped aside. Kane and the other three men grabbed what
they were told and all left the building.
Once outside, Ward turned to them.
“Okay, here is the deal.” Kane never ceased to be
impressed with the way Ward spoke to them. He chose to explain himself to his
team. This bred a level of loyalty others would never see. “I won’t lie to you,
I am violating orders. Anyone who wants
to turn around may, but if you stay, we have to move fast. Sergeant Craven’s squad is still on patrol,
not responding to comms. We know where they are and the Major has declared that
they were KIA by insurgents. I will not
allow a fellow soldier, much less my brother-in-law and friend, to be left
behind. The Major has called up
airstrikes, we have very little time. I am going after them, I could use your
help, but I am not going to order you to come.”
The team stared at him in stoic silence, waiting for
orders. It was clear that they would follow..
“Okay, let’s roll, fast and quiet. Just follow my lead.” Ward took off at a
rapid pace, but not down the street. He
turned up an alley, and through a courtyard, moving so deftly and quickly, that
Kane had to keep eyes on him not to get lost. Within a few minutes, they could
hear the unmistakable sound of M-16 and AK-47 fire. A battle was ahead.
A wave of cool, air-conditioned air washed over the man
as he walked into HQ. PFC Miles Damiano was an intolerable screw up. He knew
that much himself, being in the sand did not change the fact that he did not
fit in the Army. He had more dings on
his record than anyone, but Meyer valued him as a scrounge, and that saved
him. It was the only thing at which he
had shown any ability in the three years he had been in the army. Scrounges got things, anything one could
need, and Damiano was an excellent scrounge. The only man better was Corporal
Johnson from First Squad, a guy equally ill-suited for military service.
Fifteen minutes ago, Miles had passed Johnson and other members of First Squad
as they tore off through some alley. He
wanted to make a deal with Johnson, but had to wait in this stinking heat in
the hopes of his return. The heat was
intolerable, as it was most days in the sand. Stepping inside the temporary HQ
to relieve the heat, he wiped the beaded sweat from his forehead as he removed
his cap, and walked right into a shit storm.
“God Damn it, Meyer.
I told you to stop him.” The Major was yelling in the NCO’s face. Major Eric Fine was a tall, muscled man with
peppered hair and light-colored eyes.
This was not the first time Miles had seen him yell at someone, but he
had always treated Miles with a good nature.
Meyer was getting a dress down of epic proportion. From the tirade, Miles surmised that Meyer
had not stopped First Squad from going to rescue Second Squad, who the Major
was insisting had already been killed. Seeing Damiano walk in, the Major grabbed
Meyer by the shirt and dragged him into the command center room, slamming the
door behind and leaving Miles alone in the outer room with the remainder of
First Squad who were busy pretending they had not just seen that.
Miles went around checking on the needs of First Squad to
see if he could make a little scratch while Johnson was away. For the most part, he was treated with
disdain. He might make a sale or two, if
Johnson ever shipped out. He was still working the room about twenty minutes
later, when the door burst open and SFC Ward brought Staff Sergeant Craven in
bleeding and cursing. Close behind were
the other four men he had seen run off down an alley, three of them helping
some injured soldiers and Johnson covering the rear. Johnson made eye contact with Miles and
wandered close enough to whisper.
“Hey, bitch.
Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my marks?” They both laughed, which greatly eased the
tension while the rest of Johnson’s team carried their respective injured men
into the medical room. It wasn’t long before the door to the command center
opened and the Major and Meyer stormed into the medical area. What ensued over the next few months became a
legend in the sand, as well as back at their duty station at Fort Carson,
Colorado. It cost one man his position in the army, and another man any hope of
Friday, July 8, 2016
General Inspiration
Among the questions which come up regularly, the most common is, "What is your inspiration?" I have written on some specific inspiration previously, but I wanted to get into general inspiration today, and how that relates to my books.
In the mid-1970's, I read H.G. Wells' novel about genetic manipulation, The Island of Dr. Moreau. It is an amazing science-fiction book that illustrates what it means to be human. Like many of the books I enjoy, it illustrates truths about us by showing human beings in a fantastic context. For instance, JK Rowling's Harry Potter books are all about classism. There are many themes covered, but that theme is prevalent on practically every page.
So, what are my books about? I would argue that is up to the reader to decide. But, for me, they are about family and community. They are about how people act under stress, and what power does to people. So, they are really about what people do when the rubber hits the road (either good or bad). One of the things I have always found fascinating about comic books is their ability to showcase the culture of the day. Books do the same in some ways, but often the longer narrative muddies the water. What is our culture about today? What are its most prevalent themes. I would argue discontent with authority is one. So, I wrote about what people do when there is no authority. What does society do when there is no society?
What themes do you see in our world today? What narrative seeps out of the ooze of our political discourse, and informs your story-telling?
Buy Fear of Mystics here!!
In the mid-1970's, I read H.G. Wells' novel about genetic manipulation, The Island of Dr. Moreau. It is an amazing science-fiction book that illustrates what it means to be human. Like many of the books I enjoy, it illustrates truths about us by showing human beings in a fantastic context. For instance, JK Rowling's Harry Potter books are all about classism. There are many themes covered, but that theme is prevalent on practically every page.
So, what are my books about? I would argue that is up to the reader to decide. But, for me, they are about family and community. They are about how people act under stress, and what power does to people. So, they are really about what people do when the rubber hits the road (either good or bad). One of the things I have always found fascinating about comic books is their ability to showcase the culture of the day. Books do the same in some ways, but often the longer narrative muddies the water. What is our culture about today? What are its most prevalent themes. I would argue discontent with authority is one. So, I wrote about what people do when there is no authority. What does society do when there is no society?
What themes do you see in our world today? What narrative seeps out of the ooze of our political discourse, and informs your story-telling?
Buy Fear of Mystics here!!
Monday, July 4, 2016
reviews are coming in
Well, I haven't received much feedback yet for Fear of Mystics, but Age of Mystics posted another 5 star review today. It is really nice that so many of you are enjoying the books. It makes my heart swell to have told a story that has kept you engaged, and hopefully given you a little entertainment in this year of fear and uncertainty.
As most of you probably already know, the price of Age of Mystics is now fixed at $0.99 on Kindle (or free if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber). There are no current plans to discount Fear of Mystics beyond its low price of $2.99, but I will post here first if some great promotional opportunity comes my way.
And promotional opportunities is the topic of the day. I have read, and heard from other authors, that for relatively new authors, there are milestones to hit to improve visibility. One of those is ten reviews. reviews are much harder to come by than one would think. It is far more difficult to get people to review my work than I had prepared for, and I get tired of begging people to review. As such, the reviews are going to come in as they will, I guess. That weirdly goes for readers also. I have had nothing but good reviews (okay one just said "okay" but it wasn't bad). I had no idea how much time and effort would go into just getting folks to read the work, even when word of mouth is great, and the reviews are good. As many of you know, I am running for office this year. The effort to get someone to read is very similar as the amount of effort it takes to get someone to vote for you. It feels like each person has to be cajoled, and convinced into reading the work. That isn't a slam or complaint, it is the reality of the situation. If you want people to read your work, you have to convince them to do so.
There is a rumor, akin to the white whale or bigfoot, that certain authors have hit "critical mass" and their books start selling themselves. It is such an issue of luck, and any author who knows of what thy speak, would quickly concur. When authors believe their work is selling based only on its merit, they are delusional. One has luck, knowing the right people, having an existing large following, celebrity status, or a TV deal. These are the ways one's work is seen by masses of people. Other than that, you have to hope your story has legs. After years of hawking your work, you become an "overnight success."
If you want to be a working author, you have to be an expert at selling your work and yourself. I have always been good at marketing, but this is different. Self-published authors spend much more time trying to get readers than they do writing. So, don't try to convince yourself that you will sit down and pen the greatest manuscript and people will fall over themselves to read it. The world simply doesn't work that way. You write your wonderful manuscript. You make sure every part of it is great, hiring a proofreader and editor, if you can afford them. You hire someone to design a cover for you (your cover is your sign). When all is ready to go, you choose a POD and ebook publishing site and upload your book. You may invest in marketing. I invested recently in a social marketing campaign (if you follow me on twitter or FB, you may have seen some of these). I have had massive hits on this page, my FB page, and my twitter feed. As far as I can tell, all of those massive hits have translated into exactly zero book sales. I am getting the exposure, but not the readers. So, I have this to say: be patient, authors. Do everything you can, and if you are lucky, someone will read your book!
Oh, and if you haven't bought it, click HERE to get an ebook of Age of Mystics for $0.99
As most of you probably already know, the price of Age of Mystics is now fixed at $0.99 on Kindle (or free if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber). There are no current plans to discount Fear of Mystics beyond its low price of $2.99, but I will post here first if some great promotional opportunity comes my way.
And promotional opportunities is the topic of the day. I have read, and heard from other authors, that for relatively new authors, there are milestones to hit to improve visibility. One of those is ten reviews. reviews are much harder to come by than one would think. It is far more difficult to get people to review my work than I had prepared for, and I get tired of begging people to review. As such, the reviews are going to come in as they will, I guess. That weirdly goes for readers also. I have had nothing but good reviews (okay one just said "okay" but it wasn't bad). I had no idea how much time and effort would go into just getting folks to read the work, even when word of mouth is great, and the reviews are good. As many of you know, I am running for office this year. The effort to get someone to read is very similar as the amount of effort it takes to get someone to vote for you. It feels like each person has to be cajoled, and convinced into reading the work. That isn't a slam or complaint, it is the reality of the situation. If you want people to read your work, you have to convince them to do so.
There is a rumor, akin to the white whale or bigfoot, that certain authors have hit "critical mass" and their books start selling themselves. It is such an issue of luck, and any author who knows of what thy speak, would quickly concur. When authors believe their work is selling based only on its merit, they are delusional. One has luck, knowing the right people, having an existing large following, celebrity status, or a TV deal. These are the ways one's work is seen by masses of people. Other than that, you have to hope your story has legs. After years of hawking your work, you become an "overnight success."
If you want to be a working author, you have to be an expert at selling your work and yourself. I have always been good at marketing, but this is different. Self-published authors spend much more time trying to get readers than they do writing. So, don't try to convince yourself that you will sit down and pen the greatest manuscript and people will fall over themselves to read it. The world simply doesn't work that way. You write your wonderful manuscript. You make sure every part of it is great, hiring a proofreader and editor, if you can afford them. You hire someone to design a cover for you (your cover is your sign). When all is ready to go, you choose a POD and ebook publishing site and upload your book. You may invest in marketing. I invested recently in a social marketing campaign (if you follow me on twitter or FB, you may have seen some of these). I have had massive hits on this page, my FB page, and my twitter feed. As far as I can tell, all of those massive hits have translated into exactly zero book sales. I am getting the exposure, but not the readers. So, I have this to say: be patient, authors. Do everything you can, and if you are lucky, someone will read your book!
Oh, and if you haven't bought it, click HERE to get an ebook of Age of Mystics for $0.99
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Alright, here goes. This is a little scary to me, in all candor, but I am doing it anyway. One of my greatest hopes is that my stories wil...

Technology has influenced not only how we live our lives, but the opportunities available to so many people. When I was young, I wrote plays...
After conversations with other authors and friends, I am in the process of attempting to work with producers to develop the Saga of Mystics ...